• Toronto

    Toronto adopts renewed climate actions

    The city adopted a new series of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as it released its first Annual TransformTO Net Zero Progress and Accountability Report.
  • Data management capabilities acquire tax perk

    Data management capabilities get tax perk

    The 2024 federal budget introduces temporary accelerated depreciation of specified "innovation-enabling and productivity-enhancing" assets and new purpose-built rental housing.
  • LEED v5 embraces three underpinning fundamentals

    LEED v5 embraces three underpinning fundamentals

    Decarbonization, quality of life and ecological conservation and restoration are the underpinning fundamentals of LEED version 5, which has just been released for a first round of public input.

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  • Exposure to U.S. office loans grows unsettling

    Exposure to U.S. office loans grows unsettling

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  • Investment returns show slipping values in 2023

    Investment returns show slipping values in 2023

    Canadian investment returns for 2023 show retail improvement, industrial deceleration and continuing office value decline, as capital loss balances out income growth for a flat total return.
  • CRE fosters all-in approach to decarbonization

    CRE fosters all-in approach to decarbonization

    Daunting net zero targets in the buildings sector are spurring an all-in approach to decarbonization that assigns roles to finance, engineering, management and operational teams.

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